NSW Road rules GuideCAR DKT Mock Test Online Welcome to your Car DKT-Mock test-2To determine whether you're ready to take the test on a driver, familiarize yourself with the format of the test. You're going to try the Exercise Vehicle DKT (Driver Knowledge Test) You'll be questioned based on data found in the Road User Handbook[ You will be asked 45 questions. you are allowed 3 questions wrong and 1 question wrong in 'Road safety' or 'Road signs' sections.] 1. What will happen if you are caught cheating on the knowledge test? You will not be allowed to take another test for 6 weeks. You will never be allowed to take another test Nothing, there is no penalty None 2. Where there is parallel kerbside parking, are you allowed to double-park alongside a parked vehicle? Yes, if delivering goods. No, not at any time. Yes, if not obstructing traffic. None 3. Can a P1 or P2 provisional driver legally instruct a learner driver? Yes, provided the provisional driver has held a P2 licence for more than 6 months No Yes, provided L and P1 or P2 plates are displayed. None 4. When reversing, you should - Unbuckle your seat belt so you can reverse as quickly as possible. Take care and never reverse for a greater distance and time than is necessary. Sound your horn to warn other drivers. None 5. You are driving in a 60 km/h zone, with only one lane for traffic in your direction. You see a bus ahead (with this sign displayed on the rear) signalling its intention to pull out from a bus stop, you should - Slow down, and give way to the bus as it has priority. Continue at your normal speed as the bus does not have priority. Sound your horn to stop the bus from pulling out None 6. You have just passed this sign. Can you park on this road ? Yes. Yes, but only in daylight hours. No, not at any time. None 7. If you are involved in an accident where your vehicle needs to be towed away and the Police does not attend the crash scene, you - Only need to report the accident to the Police if someone was injured Do not need to report the accident to the Police. Must report the accident to the Police Station nearest to where the accident happened within 24 hours. None 8. If a vehicle you are driving is involved in an accident and a person is injured, what must you do after stopping? Only call the Police if the accident also resulted in over $500 worth of property damage. Render every assistance and take immediate steps to have an ambulance notified. Then call the Police. Report the accident to Police within seven days. None 9. If you see a horse and rider on the road what should you do? Speed up to pass the horse Sound your horn to warn the rider. Slow down and give them plenty of room. None 10. You buy a car and find that the spare tyre is smooth; the tread is only just visible. If you get a puncture will it be legal to drive the car with a smooth spare tyre Yes, but you must get the puncture fixed within 24 hours. No, it's illegal to drive a car with a smooth tyre even if it is the spare. Yes, if the tyre is correctly inflated and the side walls of the tyre are in good condition. None 11. You want to leave your automatic car parked on a street sloping uphill. You should - Park only on flat areas. Turn the wheels away from the kerb. Put the handbrake on and put the transmission in "P" (park). None 12. Are you required to carry your driver’s licence with you every time you drive? No it is only needed on long trips. No, being licensed is enough. Yes None 13. Are you permitted to park in the direction of the arrow? Yes, provided no taxis are using the area. No, not at any time. Yes, if you are carrying two or more passengers. None 14. You are driving at night with your headlights on high beam. When should you dip your headlights? When within 200 metres of an oncoming vehicle only. Never, you are allowed to drive with your lights on high beam at all times. When within 200 metres of the vehicle ahead or an oncoming one. None 15. If there are no signs or markings to advise you, can you choose any of these methods of parking? Yes, N is best but M and O are quite legal. Yes. M, N and O are all legal No, only N is correct. None 16. If you hold a learner or provisional licence class what is the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit? Zero 0.02 0.05 None 17. You are driving on a road with a speed limit above 60km/h. How much space must you leave when passing a bicycle rider?- at least 1.5 metres. at least 1 metre. as much as you think is safe. None 18. When it is very foggy during the day or night and your vehicle has no fog lights, you should - Put on your high beam lights. Slow down and use your low beam headlights and hazard warning lights to make your vehicle seen. Follow closer to other vehicles None 19. If you are a new driver and first start to drive at night you should - Drive mainly in unfamiliar streets. Drive mainly on streets that you know well. Drive long distances to improve your concentration. None 20. If a STOP or GIVE WAY sign has been knocked down, for example, as the result of an accident, does the line marked across the road have any meaning? Yes, it has the same meaning as the sign itself No, you only need to give way to the vehicle on your right. No, but you must give way if turning. None 21. In this diagram both vehicles O and P must pass through GIVE WAY signs before entering the intersection. Which vehicle goes first? Vehicle O. Vehicle P. It depends on who moves first. None 22. If both vehicles P and O in the diagram are turning right, which vehicle is in the best position to turn left into the street marked 'X'? Vehicle P. Vehicle O. Neither vehicle None 23. Which vehicle in the diagram must give way? Vehicle K. Vehicle L. Vehicle J. None 24. Even if the signal at a railway level crossing does not indicate that a train is coming, you should - Speed up and cross the tracks quickly. Slow down, be ready to stop and give way if there is danger of collision. Stop completely at all times. None 25. You drive up to an intersection with a stop sign in the car marked A and you wish to turn right. The car marked B facing you also has a stop sign and is indicating to turn left. Who can go first? Car A. Car B. Whoever arrives at the intersection first. None 26. You are in car A and are going straight ahead through the intersection. Who should give way? Car B. Car A. Whoever gets to the intersection first. None 27. You wish to go straight ahead at this roundabout. Which statement is true? You must enter in the right lane and leave in the left. You must always leave the roundabout in the left lane. You must leave the roundabout in the same lane as you entered. None 28. The motorcyclist wants to travel straight ahead through this roundabout. The rider should watch out for the marked car because the car - Could be going too fast. May be leaving the roundabout. May stop suddenly. None 29. Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of the purple car? O and P only. O, P and Q. P only. None 30. Looking at the diagram, which vehicle must give way? Vehicle A. Vehicle B. Either vehicle, there is no rule on giving way when merging. None 31. What does this sign mean? One way traffic ahead. Right lane traffic may turn right or go straight ahead at the next intersection. All right lane traffic must turn right at the next intersection. None 32. You should expect this sign, if - A give way sign at an intersection is ahead, slow down and be prepared to stop. You are approaching a school or playground. You are approaching an intersection with traffic lights, be prepared to stop. None 33. It is 9.20am on a school day. You are driving at 60 km/h, the same speed as traffic around you. You pass this sign but the other cars do not slow down much. What should you do? Drive at the speed of the other drivers because it is safer to go with the flow of traffic than slow others up. Slow down immediately to 40 km/h or less even though other drivers want to go faster. Stay at 60 km/h because it is nearly 9.30am and the times on the school sign are only advisory None 34. What could be the penalties for driving over the speed limit - Fines only. Fines, demerit points and possibly loss of licence. A letter of warning and a small fine. None 35. You want to give a lift to a friend and his four month old baby. Before you do, you need to make sure - You have enough seat belts for all the passengers, including the baby. You have a baby restraint properly fitted to your vehicle. Your driver's licence permits you to carry children under the age of twelve months. None 36. When you see children on or near the road - You should reduce your speed by 5 km/h. You should slow down and be more careful because they may move suddenly. You should ignore them and pay attention to the rear vision mirror. None 37. When driving in an area where there are many pedestrians (e.g. a bus stop) it is important to - Put your headlights on high beam so they can see you better. Slow down and watch for an indication that they will enter the road. Increase your speed to avoid the chance of hitting them. None 38. If you are convicted a second time for street or drag racing, which one of the following penalties applies? You will have to pay for the storage of your vehicle. Your vehicle may be taken away and sold. You will not be able to register your vehicle again. None 39. When entering or leaving a driveway you must - Stop and give way only to vehicles. Blow your horn to warn other road users. Give way to bicycles, vehicles and pedestrians. None 40. You are travelling in the left lane and wish to turn right at the intersection. You move to the right lane and a driver behind sounds their horn at you. What have you done wrong? Driven too slowly Crossed an unbroken lane line. Changed lanes unnecessarily. None 41. Which side mirror is adjusted best? Mirror A. Mirror B. Mirror C. None 42. As you leave a freeway, which of the following should you check? Fuel gauge. Your speed. Windscreen wipers. None 43. Before driving a long distance at fast speed or carrying a full car load, you should - Make sure you have a street directory, so you know where you are going. - Check your tyre pressure, and if necessary, increase it to what the manufacturer recommends. - Have a large meal and a cup of coffee. None 44. Looking at the diagrams, how far from the approach side of a bus stop or a railway crossing are you allowed to stand or park your vehicle? At least 5 metres. At least 20 metres. At least 50 metres. None 45. When displaying L or P plates, how much of the letter must be clearly visible?- Only enough of the letter so it is clear whether it is an L or P. All of the letter L or P. Most of the letter. None Time's upTime is Up!Car DKT Practice Test -2 (NSW)Post navigationCar DKT Practice Test -1(NSW)